This month I’ve been featuring non- or unreliable speakers on the autism spectrum who use Spelling To Communicate (S2C) to communicate in a series called In Their Own Words. I am excited to present today’s guest blogger Samantha, who is a talented artist and writer. Samantha is another speller who is local to me, and I was introduced to her mom through a mutual friend who is also the mom of a speller. They both practice S2C at A.A.L.I.V.E’s Inside Voice program in Southeastern Pennsylvania. I’m so grateful to this community of parents, and I’m especially grateful to Samantha for writing this post. She details what it is like to feel trapped without a voice in an unreliable body, and how S2C has empowered her. I hope that her words inspire many to embark on their own spelling journey to help unlock their own inner voices. 

Not Defined By Autism

My name is Samantha and I am a non-speaker. My autism is a big part of my life but I am careful not to let it define me. I am also a sister, a friend, a daughter, and an artist.

Samantha (center) with her family – (left to right) her dad Mike, sister Madison, sister Hayley, and mom – in front of her artwork Kris (Photo Credit: Kris Foglia)

Much of my life was spent stuck inside an unreliable body. I was experiencing life from the sidelines. S2C changed everything for me.

Brain/Body Disconnect

This methodology changed my quality of living. I wasn’t stuck anymore. It gave me a way out of the cage my body can sometimes feel like. For me the disconnect between my brain and body feels like a train that keeps missing its stop. It’s going and going but it needs something to stop it in its tracks. My communication/regulation partners work with me to teach my body to listen to my brain. They have taught me to be my own conductor.

Samantha spelling with her Communication Regulation Partner (CRP) (Photo Credit: Kris Foglia)

Living Freely

It is hard to even put words around what it feels like to communicate after years of being trapped inside my head. I am living more freely without the dark cloud of silence dangling over me. S2C has taught me to be in control of my body. For so long it felt the opposite was true. It was so empowering to learn the strategies I have now. It is crazy to think how different my life would be if I had spelling to communicate all along. I am grateful beyond words to have it now. My joy has tripled since unlocking my inner voice. I can share my true self with the world.

Proud To Be Different

I am proud of my differing abilities. As humans, we are strong because we are different. If we celebrated that instead of letting it divide us, imagine what we could accomplish!

Samantha with with some of her Speller friends (Photo Credit: Kris Foglia)

Samantha Foglia is a 21-year-old non speaking woman with Autism and Apraxia. She lives in NJ with her parents and two sisters, who have all absolutely loved watching her blossom with the tools she has developed through S2C. She has been spelling for over 5 years now. She now enjoys writing, conversing, discussing, debating, attending her book clubs, writing poetry, and creating art. Her art has developed over the years and she had her own art exhibition in Princeton in 2022 as well. Some of her paintings have been included in various publications.  Samantha graduates in June 2024 and is excited for her next chapter.  She is looking forward to planning for her future, aspiring to attend college, advocating for nonspeakers, and creating a harmonious and joyous life. She has been humbled learning about all the people she has touched and inspired through her art and writing. The future is so bright and she could not be more excited for it!

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