I know a lot of families with autism have been put through the ringer during COVID; and I know how easy it can be to lose hope. I wanted this month’s series to inspire ideas to try to help our kiddos. Maybe you need a new idea, or a reminder of something you’ve previously tried and meant to revisit or had on your “possible” list. I want to stick to things that are fairly simple, non-invasive, and don’t cost a fortune. For example, HBOT works great for lots of families but 5k+ is a lot for a “maybe.” So, this list will mostly be “Why not? Couldn’t hurt” ideas. Just a reminder – I’m not a doctor, and nothing here should be taken as medical advice. Please see my full disclaimer here, and consult with a medical professional before starting any treatment. And, PLEASE share in the comments any personal wins you’ve had to help inspire others!

If energy healing sounds a little “woo” to you, consider that it has been trusted in Eastern medicine for thousands of years, and there are numerous studies demonstrating its effectiveness. Many mainstream treatment and diagnositic tools, such as the electrocardiogram, magnets, and lasers, work by accessing energy fields in the body. And some of the country’s most world renowned medical centers, like the Mayo Clinic and Sloan Kettering, offer various energy healing modalities. 

The Power Of Qi

Energy healing works by balancing Qi. According to Chinese philosophy, Qi (or chi, and pronounced “chee”) is the vital life force that makes up everything in the universe. We and everything around us is made of energy. The flow of Qi must be unimpeded for good health. When Qi is achieved, the energy of the mind, body, and spirit is in harmony and all is well. But, internal and external factors can throw off this balance, resulting in illnesses and other issues. Any modality that focuses on achieving Qi can be considered energy medicine. 

“When filled with qi, the body is like a tree branch filled with sap; it can bend and flow with the breeze, but it does not snap or lose its connection with the root. On the other hand, a stiff, dead branch is easily broken.” ~ Kenneth S. Cohen 

Much of what I’ve already written about in this series IS energy healing – sound therapy, homeopathy, chiropractic care – and these are fairly accepted as medical treatments, even if still questioned by “science.” (I use science is quotes because I feel today’s science is different than the science I learned. Science is supposed to be about questions and curiosity. About seeing how things work and affect each other, and how outcomes change in changing situations and environments. Today’s “science” begins with anticipated outcomes, is funded by conglomerates, and comes with a giant payout. The questions and curiosity of old are mocked and silenced and rarely, if ever funded.)

Energy Healing

In extremely simple terms, modern allopathic medicine treats a condition. If you have high blood pressure, you take medication to lower it. What is causing the high blood pressure isn’t typically addressed. A naturopathic doctor might find a more natural way to help lower blood pressure, like green tea or fish oil. A holistic doctor will look at how the systems of the body work together, like how the gut affects blood pressure, and may suggest probiotics to help. (To be clear, this is an ultra-simplistic explanation and example, and I’m not suggesting that these aren’t helpful, or that a specific doctor might not take multiple approaches.)

Energy healing works differently. It is based on the premise that your body wants to perform at its best and has the ability to heal itself. But, sometimes something blocks it from working optimally. Energy healing works to find and address this energy block so that your body can get back to doing what it supposed to do. Then, once addressed, the condition no longer needs to be treated because your body is no longer having the issue at all.

Energy Healing For Autism

Many parents and practitioners report that individuals with autism not only respond well to energy healing, but it can also help other treatments and therapies work more effectively. If energy healing seems like something you might be open to looking into or trying, here are a few of the many modalities of energy healing that can be helpfulfor autism. 


One of the most well-known forms of energy healing, acupuncture is a practice from traditional Chinese medicine that involves inserting thin needles into specific energy points on the body. Most acupuncture points lie on meridians, or energy networks, that Qi travels through. Most meridians correspond to a major organ, and stimulating it unblocks the flow of Qi to it and improves the movement of Qi through the body. Studies have shown that acupuncture has numerous benefits, like improving relaxation, reducing physical pain, and lowering inflammation. Many parents are using acupuncture for autism. They have reported improvements in speech, behaviors, anxiety, and sleep – sometimes after as few as three sessions. 


Reiki is a type of energy healing that originated in Japan. A reiki practitioner is able to direct energy by using a very light touch or even just by hovering his/her hands over the body. The practitioner channels the person’s own energy to allow Qi to flow, which activates the natural healing process. It may sound crazy, but studies show that it is very effective in reducing pain, stress, and anxiety. This can be very helpful for individuals with autism. Parents also report healthier sleep patterns and an improved overall quality of life. 


Qigong restores the Qi’s flow of energy in the body through light exercise that involves repetitive movements, breathing techniques, and stretches. When qigong is used for autism symptoms, typically a massage or other touch-based technique is used. Parents can be taught to do it at home and usually practice for about 15 minutes a day. When done regularly (for up to two years), parents have seen a reduction in many symptoms of autism including the normalization of sensory issues. Other reported benefits include improvements in language, behavior, self-control, sociability, and cognitive awareness. 


Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET) was created by Devi S. Nambudripad as a treatment for allergies and sensitivities to foods and other environmental irritants. (NOTE: this should be used only by a professional and with extreme caution for those with severe allergies or allergies causing anaphylaxis). Allergens are first identified using neuromuscular sensitivity testing, which accesses muscular reactions in the body. Then, a combination of energy healing methods – spinal manipulations, acupuncture, acupressure – is used to unblock the body’s meridians and reprogram the response to the allergens. When the energy is unblocked the brain learns to no longer see the allergens as a threat. Most of our kids on the spectrum have a variety of allergies and sensitivities. In many cases, NAET has been very effective in decreasing not only allergy symptoms, but also autism severity. 

EFT Tapping

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping (sometimes referred to simply as “tapping”) was developed by Gary Craig as a successful tool to reduce stress and anxiety. Because many of our kids on the spectrum are constantly in “fight or flight” mode, tapping can be really helpful for calming and balancing the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The same meridian points that are used in acupuncture are used in tapping to unblock the energy flow and release emotional stress. Tapping sends a calming signal to the brain and has been clinically show to help release trauma. There are EFT practitioners, but tapping can be done by anyone. You can even do it on yourself! 

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” ~ Albert Einstein


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