As usual, I’ve been neglecting this blog (honestly, do I even have a post that doesn’t start out that way?!). I know I need to check in with my 4 loyal readers, but I’m just not feeling inspired right now. Life keeps getting in the way. I’ve been overwhelmed with busyness and keeping all the balls I’ve got up in the air, well, up in the air. I find I’m constantly “running to stand still,” racing to get things done so I can get to the time I need. The problem of course is that the time never comes because there are always more things to get done.

juggling too many balls

This is how I rest up…

But there have recently been some deaths in my world. One was a family member who I was close to, who struggled with cancer for a long time and had a really rough go of it for the last few years. The other was a pioneer in the autism community, a respected journalist who truly operated with integrity and really stuck his neck out to help families like mine even though he was not personally affected by autism.

These losses are a reminder to me of what is really important in my life. Hint: It’s not this hamster wheel I seem to live on, and it’s not the mountain of laundry that I always talk about. So I’m going to make a real effort to focus on some of the things below. And though these things I list are obvious, how many times do we just need to finish something or accomplish something … and then we’ll get to them? Life is short my friends, so let’s just get to it already!

Take Time for Family

the loves of my life

The magic of Disney (me and the fam at Hollywood Studios)

I actually have a weekend off from yoga training coming up. So, in addition to – or instead of haha – tackling Mount Laundry and packing up the Christmas stuff that is piled in the dining room, I’m going to focus on my family. They will be so thrilled, I’m sure. Seriously, though, my kids will never be any littler than they are right now, and I’m sure it will be no time before my husband’s completely lost his mind. You know, Cats in the Cradle and all that…

Take Time for Friends

A few of my friends who are ALWAYS there for me

I don’t think I’ve seen any of my friends since the holidays, and that sucks. My friends are amazing people. And since I know they are ALWAYS there for me, it is so easy to take them for granted. But I really miss my girlfriend time. It is so valuable for us to support one another and make each other laugh. This is especially true for autism moms. We all need friends! So get the wine ready girls, because I promise not to miss the next get-together!

Take Time for Passions


Okay, this isn’t really my “passion” because I’ve done it exactly once. But it looks more interesting than a picture of me doing online research…

I’m off to a good start finally writing something again, but I’ve really been neglecting everything I’m passionate about. While doing something you love may seem like a luxury, it really is a necessity. That is what gives you the strength, patience, and energy to get through the parts of your life that are not-so-fulfilling. If the latter parts are all you have, you’re going to end up bitter, resentful, and burned-out. Living your passions feeds your soul.

Take Time for Yourself

bubble bath

There is now officially a naked picture of me on the internet

We hear time and time again that we need to make time for ourselves. That we really can’t help anyone if we are struggling. That we are better able to serve those we love when we are at our best. You probably believe that in theory, but do you practice it? Or do you, like I do, find yourself frantically rushing around, using coffee to fuel your day, checking off a to-do list of tedious tasks, eating dinner quickly over the kitchen sink, relaxing with a few glasses of wine before falling into bed exhausted, only to do it all over again the next day? I am making sure that I brush my teeth, but sometimes that’s all the self-care I can claim. So maybe I’ll take a hot bath. Maybe I’ll read something for pleasure. Maybe I’ll even shave my legs (you’re welcome, honey!).

{Side note: How bad do you feel for my husband? On top of being the caregiver of a severely autistic child and a disabled mother, he has a wife who dumps the kids on him, goes drinking with her girlfriends, and then doesn’t even shave her legs? He really hit the jackpot, right? But honestly, I am beyond grateful for this patient, giving man.}

Live Life Sweet

I get it – it’s not easy to carve out time. We are busy, we have jobs, we don’t have sitters. But it is really important. So, we need to make these things a regular part of our life, instead of just something we hope to get to eventually.

I hope this inspires you to take some much needed time for yourself and the things and people you love. Unless you’re an emergency surgeon, everything else will still be there. It really will, I promise. So suck it, hamster wheel!

Photo of Roborovski Hamster

Image Source: Roborovski Hamsters [Public Domain]

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