I know a lot of families with autism have been put through the ringer during COVID; and I know how easy it can be to lose hope. I wanted this month’s series to inspire ideas to try to help our kiddos. Maybe you need a new idea, or a reminder of something you’ve previously tried and meant to revisit or had on your “possible” list. I want to stick to things that are fairly simple, non-invasive, and don’t cost a fortune. For example, HBOT works great for lots of families but 5k+ is a lot for a “maybe.” So, this list will mostly be “Why not? Couldn’t hurt” ideas. Just a reminder – I’m not a doctor, and nothing here should be taken as medical advice. Please see my full disclaimer here, and consult with a medical professional before starting any treatment. And, PLEASE share in the comments any personal wins you’ve had to help inspire others!

I really hate to use the word detox for autism because, as a really smart doctor once pointed out to me, detox is a natural, everyday process. Every time we exhale we are detoxing. Getting sick is simply when our detoxification pathways become overwhelmed. In a normal, generally healthy person the solution is usually as simple as resting, rebuilding energy, and letting the immune system work to reestablish balance.

Detox For Autism

But, our kids with autism are a little more complicated. (Actually, the world and everything overloading us right now is a little more complicated). And so they might require a little more help in getting those detox pathways open. Here are few suggestions for doing that.

Epsom Salt Baths

Want a relaxing easy way to gently remove toxins from the body? Epsom salt, a mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate, is easily available at your local health store on online. These minerals break down in the bath where they are absorbed through the skin to help your body flush out toxins. Simply add a cup or two – start out slow and then build up – to warm bath water (hot enough to stimulate your sweat glands) and soak for at least 20 minutes!

Ionic Foot Baths

Ionic footbaths assist the body’s natural detoxification process by helping to alkalize the body to optimal Ph levels. An electrical current at a specific frequency is sent through the water to create an ionization field. The ions attract and neutralize their oppositely charged toxins. This process displaces the toxins form the cells into the body’s elimination channels. If you want to know in more details how the footbaths work, my friend Dave over at I’m Simply a Dad has a in-depth podcast available.

Now, I know that I said that this series was going to focus on inexpensive, accessible things to try. While it’s true that buying a footbath is expensive, many practitioners have them in their offices and charge as little as $25 for a soak.

Infrared Saunas

Saunas promote sweating and are popular for relaxation and detoxification. Infrared saunas work by using infrared light, one of the invisible light spectrums produced by the sun. Infrared therapy vibrates the water molecules inside you which reduces their ionic bonds. This helps to release toxins trapped there more easily.

Most infrared saunas use Far Infrared Rays (FIR), which uses a longer wave length than Near or Mid Infrared Rays. All of these rays have benefits (this article has a good chart explaining the benefits and differences), but FIR saunas are able to reach deeper into the body where toxins are stored. There are also Full Spectrum saunas available that offer combination rays and provide the benefits of all three types of infrared radiation.

Regular infrared sauna use can improve the immune system. Infrared therapy helps you to sweat out higher levels of toxins and draw out heavy metals. It has been shown to reduce pain and inflammation. It also helps repair damaged nerves and promotes wound healing, cell regeneration, and tissue growth.

Yes, this is another treatment that can be very expensive. And an in-home infrared sauna also requires you to have the space for it. But, like the footbaths, some practitioners and medical spas offer appointments for use. There are also inexpensive portable home spas available.

Get Moving

Whether you try one of these detox for autism methods or not, it is important for all of us to keep toxins moving out of our system. Make sure you are staying hydrated to help flush out your system, going to the bathroom regularly, and exercising to promote sweating.

Our bodies are naturally programmed to detox. But they need a little help now and then.

So, get moving to keep things moving!

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