Today is National Siblings Day, a day created to honor brothers and sisters. Like last year, I’m taking this day to honor Christopher’s brother and sister, and all of the autism super siblings!

Christopher has severe autism, and his brother and sister are amazing with him. They share a very special bond with him, understanding his needs even though he can’t articulate them. They always make an effort to make him feel happy, included, special, and loved.

I know that being an autism sibling has taught them compassion in a unique way, and I am proud that they are carrying that compassion out into the world. At both of their school conferences, it was specifically mentioned that they go out of their way to help children who need help understanding a skill or who need a friend. My son has a child with autism in his class, and he makes sure to pick him to be in his group. My daughter has befriended a classmate who is still learning to speak English. I laughed out loud when her teacher told me that, because she never gets a response, they keep waiting for her to give up but she just keeps on talking to this little girl. I explained that, because her brother has autism, she is used to talking to someone who doesn’t answer. Though of course she is her mother’s daughter and enjoys talking long after everyone has stopped listening 😉

But my kids miss out on so much of the typical sibling relationship too. Their older brother can’t protect and look out for them, teach them games and skills and tricks, or help them with sports or homework. Instead of Christopher cheering them on at events, they have to pick which parent they want to attend. Almost every decision made, since they’ve existed, has to take autism into consideration. They know no other world, and they handle it like champs. But I want them to also feel happy, included, special, and loved.

My dear children, I am so very proud of the kind and compassionate people you are. Thank you for taking care of Christopher, and for loving him like only you can.

autism siblings

This past summer, with the help of his super siblings, Christopher was able to ride the pirate ship on the boardwalk. This was the first time on a “big ride” without any parents!

The shout-outs to some of my favorite autism super siblings below are awesome. It is a blessing to know what a difference these amazing people are making in the world. Check out last year’s shout-outs too!

Happy Siblings Day!

To Brianna and Brayden:

Dad an I are incredibly touched by how you’ve never given up on Brooke, and let her know how we all believe in her. We know sacrifices were big throughout your own childhoods. We are so thankful for your big hearts. Brooke is a happy girl, and has overcome some hard things in life. Part of that is because of both of your love. Thank you for being you, we love you both!

Johna Sommer, Cary, Illinois

To Sean:

You amaze us everyday with your love and kindness towards everyone, especially your brother. You are always making sure that he is safe and that he is happy. Your constant desire to help and encourage others will never go unnoticed. You are one of the greatest gifts God has given me. I am so proud of the person you are becoming and I am forever grateful for you.

-Beth Brady, Springfield, Pennsylvania

To my princess Janae:

In your two short years of life, you have given your big brother Daniel so much love. (And let’s face it, headaches too! A very special thank you to Daniel for being the most patient big brother to his crayon stealing, scratching and biting little sister.) Before bed each night, you demand Daniel give you a good night hug and kiss, and he always so sweetly obliges. And your favorite place is sitting on Daniel’s lap pulling his ear. You truly adore Daniel, and he adores you. You have helped him learn compassion, forgiveness, patience, and given him serious cases of the giggles with your toddler antics and carefree spirit. You are a big bundle of joy in a little package! Janae, you are such a special little lady and the best little sibling to Daniel. It is such a blessing to know that you and Daniel will have each other’s love and support through this journey called life. We love you!

-Joanna Hawkins, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, #WEATHERTHESTORM

Dear Rebekah:

This is such a fitting time to tell you what an amazing sister you are, as you will be entering a new chapter in your life: college! Thank you for your never-ending patience with Ben (and with us!) as I know growing up in our house was not always easy. Your empathetic heart and sense of humor brightened our home on even the most difficult days. We all love you so very much.

-Janeen Herskovitz, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida
Puzzle Peace Counseling, Autism Blueprint Podcast

To Caroline and Luke:

You are amazing role models for your brother. You are constantly pushing Ben to be healthy and active, compassionate and kind. Even though Ben may not tell you, but he looks up to both of you, and truly loves you so much.

Shellie Greth, Adel, Iowa

To Marley:

You brighten all of our days and there could not be a better sister for Julius. Thank you for the hours you have spent in waiting rooms and therapy sessions and learning the strategies to help your brother since you were 2. You have a big heart for such a tiny person and we love you so much.

Rhyan Soto, Torrance, California

Do you have or know an amazing autism sibling? Give a shout-out in the comments!

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