Today is National Great Poetry Reading Day. In honor, I am posting the poem that Jen submitted with her earlier guest blog post. So, immerse yourself in all things poetic and reflect on life’s journey and YOUR journey, and enjoy the poetry of Zen Jen.

luminary lexicon

A Luminary Lexicon

my life is a flowing
soaring rapid

it is not one journey
but many
nor is it about any
or solo mission

it is layers upon layers upon layers
of love
and people to have them with

it is a sea of comforting faces
whose light brought me back
to my own

whose tears brought me to my knees
and whose kindness brought me home

a single solitary force
the collective madness and magnificence
of creation
one heart
one soul
one flame
not of desire
or drastic consequence

but of collective power
of whole internal wisdom
afronted by nothing
and affected by everything

in the wake of restlessness

limitless life
is here

and thank yous

i sing

and dance

my fairy wings
no longer clipped by my own brutality

my swelling softness
no longer contained by permission

my sensual strength
no longer assaulted by comparison

my story
no longer interrupted by expectations

i roll
as wind
on rocks
from my crest of
a cascade of LOVE
bleeds magical moonlight
a million


and over

and over



ZenJenbiopicZen Jen is an autism adventurer & outdoor fantastical magic dragonfly whisperer. She is the single mom of two Gurus on the autism spectrum who loves words, dance & neuro-endocrinology! She is the Founder & Executive Director of Guru V People, a 501(c)(3) that is Going Big to improve the lives of those affected by autism. Guru V People helps families say YES to their autism adventure by providing the support required to facilitate maximum engagement with life despite the challenges they face: Autism is the Adventure, Feelin’ Guru V is the goal. Learn more at Guru V People’s website and facebook page.

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