

My journey to heal my son’s most distressing symptoms of autism has changed the way I live and care for my family. I am passionate about nontoxic products, natural remedies, grain-free nutrition, essential oils, and healing the symptoms known as autism. But, I wasn’t always that way. I had to learn from the beginning – with little time or money, without knowing how to cook AT ALL, juggling a family, a career, and everything that comes with caring for a child with special needs. If I can do it, so can you! Welcome to a cleaner, healthier, HAPPIER life! Read more about me.

Recent Posts

Without A Voice, But Shining Inside

Without A Voice, But Shining Inside

The individuals who use S2C to communicate who have contributed to the blog this month have done an incredible job sharing what nonspeakers have to say. Thank you for shining a light on who they are inside, and for giving them a voice.

In Their Own Words: Don’t Ever Give Up

In Their Own Words: Don’t Ever Give Up

“Michael man” shares how spelling has changed his whole world has changed, his sisters share how it has changed their relationship with him, and his family shares their gratitude to the people who’ve helped Michael share his gift – his voice.

In Their Own Words: Miracles Happen With Love

In Their Own Words: Miracles Happen With Love

Laura and Trevor Hirsh believe in miracles, and you will too after hearing their amazing story. Through spelling, Trevor is able to share his talents, amazing gifts, and has even written a book with his mom to propel the spelling revolution forward.

Featured Posts

Great Tips & Ideas for Special Needs Gift Giving

Great Tips & Ideas for Special Needs Gift Giving

Holiday gift giving is difficult, but finding gifts for those with special needs can be especially challenging. It is even harder if the recipient is nonverbal, like my 10-year old son Christopher. Here are some tips and ideas for special needs gift giving.

Grief And The Holidays: Finding Comfort And Joy

Grief And The Holidays: Finding Comfort And Joy

So many people who I know and love have gone through very difficult situations this year, facing unimaginable pain and loss, and struggling through the holidays. So, here are a few words about facing grief over the holidays.

Recent Posts

Without A Voice, But Shining Inside

Without A Voice, But Shining Inside

The individuals who use S2C to communicate who have contributed to the blog this month have done an incredible job sharing what nonspeakers have to say. Thank you for shining a light on who they are inside, and for giving them a voice.

In Their Own Words: Don’t Ever Give Up

In Their Own Words: Don’t Ever Give Up

“Michael man” shares how spelling has changed his whole world has changed, his sisters share how it has changed their relationship with him, and his family shares their gratitude to the people who’ve helped Michael share his gift – his voice.

In Their Own Words: Miracles Happen With Love

In Their Own Words: Miracles Happen With Love

Laura and Trevor Hirsh believe in miracles, and you will too after hearing their amazing story. Through spelling, Trevor is able to share his talents, amazing gifts, and has even written a book with his mom to propel the spelling revolution forward.

In Their Own Words: Monuments Inside Minds

In Their Own Words: Monuments Inside Minds

Swarit is a nonspeaker with a big online presence and a mission to support his tribe, encourage families like his, and share his “truisms.” Here, he shares his experiences with S2C as well as some of his beautiful poetry.

Featured Posts

Great Tips & Ideas for Special Needs Gift Giving

Great Tips & Ideas for Special Needs Gift Giving

Holiday gift giving is difficult, but finding gifts for those with special needs can be especially challenging. It is even harder if the recipient is nonverbal, like my 10-year old son Christopher. Here are some tips and ideas for special needs gift giving.

Grief And The Holidays: Finding Comfort And Joy

Grief And The Holidays: Finding Comfort And Joy

So many people who I know and love have gone through very difficult situations this year, facing unimaginable pain and loss, and struggling through the holidays. So, here are a few words about facing grief over the holidays.

It’s The (Bath) Bomb! Homemade Gifts That Don’t Suck

It’s The (Bath) Bomb! Homemade Gifts That Don’t Suck

Does the thought of making something yourself bring about anxiety or flashes of that Friends episode with the homemade sock bunny? Relax – there are homemade gifts that are easy, classy, inexpensive, and fun. Like these fabulous homemade fizzy bath bombs …

More Good Stuff

More Good Stuff

autism hope

our Autism story +

medical resources, education info, things I’ve learned (usually the hard way), and tales from our crazy autism life…

our Nutrition story +

family-friendly (and some grown-up!) recipes, all about grain-free living, helpful healthy eating info, and more…
young living essential oils

our Essential Oils story +

the amazing benefits of essential oils, how to get started, fun oil recipes, oil promos, and slick oily tips…

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